F9 Double Eagle (DE) was developed as a safe-to-use, concentrated multi-purpose degreaser and general cleaner. Additionally F9 DE is an excellent neutralizer for acidic stains like sulfuric acid from Golf Cart batteries and automobiles. Use also to neutralize F9 BARC or F9 Efflo if needed. Double Eagle serves two purposes when cleaning oil stains in combination with rust or battery acid; it cleans the oil and concrete plus neutralizes the battery acid. After that it’s just a matter of a surface cleaning and you’ve performed two tasks with minimal effort!
F9 Double Eagle is the first step in the F9 Restoration Process!

Available in 1 gallon jugs, 4ct cases, 5 gal pail and 55 gal kit
Custom pricing for dealers and applicators.
Contact us for SDS Information
Deco products manufactures all of their products out of Denver, CO but has suppliers and warehouses set up throughout the country and in Puerto Rico. To find the nearest place to purchase please call our home office at Toll Free 1-800-500-DECO (3326) or contact us today.